How it works

Student Journey

As a student, once you signup you will be onboarded on our learning platform. Onboarding will involve connecting other platforms and tools and watching an orientation video on how to approach the course. You will be given access to all the tools we will use like Slack for communication, Github organization for collaboration, etc.

As one of the best programming bootcamps, AltCampus has designed a sophisticated learning management system(Launchpad) that hosts all the content, assignments, and projects. After being onboarded, You will be assigned a particular module and a mentor for the corresponding module. You can immediately start learning with our pre-recorded videos, step-by-step exercises, and assignments available there.

Content, Assignments, Projects & Feedback

Each module has concepts delivered using videos and it's followed up by quizzes and extensive exercises, small to big. We have made sure that there is enough practice material for you to master each concept. Projects are relatively bigger and end up on our portfolio. There are multiple projects in each module. As you keep moving in the course, your projects will start getting more meaningful and technically complex. The idea is to use these projects to showcase your prowess in software development. At each step, mentors will provide you with extra resources and tips to help you learn better.

Once you have completed an exercise or project, there are two levels of feedback provided. One is automated feedback, which is a pre-recorded video of a mentor explaining the approach of solving the problem. This way you not only learn to do a certain thing but also learn the best practices of doing it. Then the other one is manual, one-to-one feedback where the mentor will review your code or text submission and provided written or if needed personalized video feedback. Again if there is still any doubt, this feedback can be discussed in the next live video call (office hour). We make sure that you master a concept before moving forward.

Cohort vs Self Paced

You can opt to do the course in a cohort with other learners. It's generally better for motivation and learning outcomes. You should strongly consider it if you are learning it full time. Mentors do live sessions with the group everyday. Cohorts usually finish the course faster, in about 6-7 months.

Self paced is more suited for learners who want to do it part time. Mentors hold a live sessions for doubt clearing.

Mentor Office hours and Getting help

Every working day, the corresponding mentor will hold an office hour through a live video call. Mentor will provide feedback and help you resolve your doubts in the session. That's one way of getting help, another way is through Slack. For each module, there are dedicated channels where you can ask your questions and your peers and mentors will answer them as soon as possible. We understand that learning to code is challenging and there comes a time when you need more than technical support. Which is why throughout the course, the mentor-student relationship is very friendly and you can always share anything be it technical or psychological. Mentors will help, advise, and keep you focused on the learning path. We are here to help.

Tracking progress and accountability

We have laid a strong focus on consistency. The platform measures and encourages you to be consistent. Your mentors will closely follow your progress and if need be follow up with you and set up a separate one-to-one call to motivate, counsel, and help you move forward. We deeply care that anyone who starts the course actually finishes it.

Everyone is encouraged to tweet their progress, examples of which you can see here.

Peer group, Collaboration and Community

The learning platform will match you with people moving at your pace. You can personally connect to them via Slack. In general, you can share and help each other out through common module based topics. We conduct hackathons and workshop which you will have access to. People are encouraged to participate in the discussions and also share there learnings. Later in the course, you will collaborate with other peers to build real-life projects. You will also have access to our broader AltCampus alumni and offline student community.

Job Placement Support

Throughout the course, we make sure that whatever you do is geared towards making a solid portfolio. Once you have finished all the modules, you will be given a rigorous 'Job Readiness Challenge', which involves assessing all the parts of the course put together. Upon completing the challenge, we help you with interview preparation. Then we start putting you in touch with the companies that are hiring. Employers will independently assess your skillsets. Once you clear an interview, you can either take it up or continue to look for other jobs.