Do You Need a CS Degree To Become a Software Developer?

Learning today has been integrated with resources on the internet, and rightly so. As more and more students are getting access to digital education worldwide, the relevance of traditional education has taken the back seat.

But do you need a Computer Science degree to get a job in software development? The short answer is that it is no more the deciding factor; in fact, there are hundreds of people who have aced it as software developers, and they have a vast array of diverse academic backgrounds - everything from science, humanities, and commerce to pharmaceutical, mechanical, and even arts. Even tech giants like Google and Apple are hiring developers who do not have a degree in CS. The reason? Quite simple - skills over degrees, any day!

So is a CS Degree irrelevant in 2021?

No, it’s not. There is no downside to having an academic education and a subsequent degree in Computer Science, but the industry today has seen a paradigm shift. As more and more startups and product-based companies are springing up with amazing job opportunities, all that matters is the relevant skills.

Speaking of which, traditional education everywhere is highly lacking in providing the necessary skills for students to be job-ready post their graduation. Which is a big reason why at AltCampus, we believe that skills will always prove to be more useful than degrees and certificates. Having a background in CS can help you start earlier in software development, but is definitely no longer a requirement.

How do you get the required skills?

There are two proven ways to gain these skills -

  1. By working as a junior developer (and getting hands-on experience), OR
  2. By kick-starting your full-stack developer journey through a bootcamp like AltCampus, where you get personalized mentorship, top-notch structured curriculum, and hundreds of practice exercises with feedback loops to improve at every stage.

The second way is more lucrative and useful, and the reason is this - the self-taught can be exciting at first, but there are pitfalls and cons to learning on your own, the most important of which would be wasted time.

Another factor is that you will need all the help and support especially if you are from a non-CS background. The mentorship, feedback loop, and structured roadmap, are all important reasons why you should consider joining a bootcamp if you want to learn programming.

Debunking myths

But a lot of IT firms look for academic background, relevant experience, etc., don’t they?

Yes, they do. Because they are firms and corporations founded upon decades old rules and parameters, which is why they have certain necessities in place. But gone are the days when getting into a tech job meant fulfilling all these parameters. Today’s product-focused companies and startups are solving real-world problems and they need people who have practical knowledge and relevant skills for the same. Where you acquired those skills, and how, do not and should not matter.

Full-stack web developers are in huge demand today. There will be more than 8 lakh jobs for developers by 2024. The MERN stack has gained a lot of traction amongst both startups and enterprises, and it is no surprise that it is the most demanded tech stack for learning in bootcamps as well. AltCampus has an exhaustive curriculum with focused content that ensures learners reach their goals with no necessity to search for resources elsewhere.

Jump onto the wagon

The No-CS Degree has become more than an exception today. People and companies alike are embracing the shift and seeing success as well. It is the best time now to jump onto the bandwagon and join thousands of fellow developers in software development.

Now that you know you can become a software developer without a CS degree, read this to learn everything you need to know to start learning full-stack web development. AltCampus is here to help you throughout your learning journey. Hop on to our free trial and start learning today! 🚀

Learn how to code at AltCampus and kickstart your career as a software developer 🚀